Steve Angrisano is not only a Catholic musician, speaker and a man after the heart of God...he is an amazing husband and father, and a man that I am honored to call my friend!
I first was introduced to who Steve was when I was in high school at a Franciscan University Youth Conference. He sang a beautiful song that is still special to my heart. It is called "How Could You Say No" which is talking about after knowing all that Jesus did for you, how can you say no to Him. Take a listen....maybe it will become a special song to you to!
I got to know Steve personally when I worked for the Youth Conferences at Franciscan University for 5 years, and I saw first hand what kind of man he is. I was always greeted with a big hug and a smile! (He has a contagious laugh and a contagious smile!) We had many a conversations over coffee during drives to and from the airports. He was there for me to be a listening ear during a rough time in my life, and he has become a confidant, a friend and someone I truly look up to.
One of my favorite things about Steve is how much his face lights up when he talks to, mentions or even thinks about his wife! During his busy schedule traveling all over the world, speaking to thousands of teens, you know after God, his wife and kids come first! His wife is his number one fan and prayer warrior and keeps him grounded during the craziness of his speaking engagements, traveling from airport to airport, living a testimony to the life God has called him to. I have always said that Steve is one of the few men that I got to know over the years that I looked up to for qualities that I looked for in a husband. Those qualities are evident in my husband and I know the prayers of Steve and his wife Jenni are to thank for that. They prayed for him before I met him and still do today!
Steve--you and your family are a gift in my life and I am so honored to know you and I am so grateful that I got to capture you on camera! Here are some of my favorites from the shoot we did this past weekend. Check out the rest of the images here!