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Monday, March 24, 2008

Confidence and Hope!

Today we had a four mile run and Kristi wanted a change from the treadmills, and since the sun was shining she said, "Let's run outside!" Now, mind you, even though the sun was shining, that didn't stop the wind from blowing and the snow from falling! But we bundled up and were on our way!

Some people look at me funny when I tell them that I love to run in the cemetery here in Steubenville. If you have been to this place of beauty you understand I am not crazy, if you haven't been, trust me, it is a beautiful and peaceful place! See picture above... As a photographer I have done many photo shoots in this cemetery. See below.

Ok...back to the training...our friend Jenny who is running the half marathon with us was great motivation as we neared this LARGE and LOOMING hill in the Steubenville Cemetery. She convinced us that we were going to RUN up this hill. I was not so excited about this challenge...but with Krisit at my side, I did it! I wanted to die when I got to the top, but I did it!

As we hit about 30 minutes of running, I started to feel really good, hit a good pace, my lungs had recovered from the hill, and the snow had stopped. I felt like I could just keep on running...hence this gave me hope and confidence that once I "get over that hill" the day of the race, I can just keep on running. Granted, 4 miles today is small compared to the 13 of race day, but the idea of hitting that plateau and coasting sounds possible....fellow I right or crazy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love running at your side!