The 5 mile run was finished and in under an hour! 55 minutes! I thought I was going to pass out a a few times near the end. My left foot started going numb and i felt a sharp pain in the arch of my left foot. I pushed through and finished it. I took my shoes off when I was done to find a small blister forming in the arch of my foot. CRAP!!! Who wants blisters!? I think it was because I wore thicker socks. Any other runners have any suggestions for me? Now the reason there are no pictures for this post is because I really didn't have anything to put pictures up about...and I didn't think that you wanted to see pictures of my blisters.
Now the other problem that I am having that I would love suggestions from other runners about is that the muscles around my knees and my quads are really sore, so when getting up from a chair or the floor, I am in lots of pain! I feel like I am 80 years old!! Now, this could be from the my leg workout, lunges, leg press, leg extension, etc...but it's pretty bad, so I am thinking there is something else contributing to this pain. Any ideas? Any remedies?
Time to celebrate Easter! He is RISEN!!! AMEN! ALLELUIA!!
Hi Rachael- Sorry to hear about your legs. How many miles a week were you running before you started training? If you up your mileage by more than 10% a week your chance of injury is very high. (Trust me. I've learned that the hard way.) Knees are one of the areas that will often start to hurt if an injury is coming on. The best thing you can do for sore areas (or injuries) is RICE. (Rest, ice, compression, elevation) Sometimes this will keep aches and pains from becoming an injury. HTH. Email me if you want to chat.
Hi Rach - As for your knees, I have this issue too - and Sarah is right - if you upped your mileage too quickly, then you can be pretty sure you'll have some aches and pains, if not an injury brewing... so as she said, be careful!!! I am not one to talk though, as I regularly play with fire and up my mileage by like 75% a week sometimes (as in, when I started training with you!). I had knee pain for the first week and a half... I babied my legs, and watched my pace. Ice is great for the knees, as is stretching. Stretch the heck out of your muscles before and after. Also, they sell these great little knee braces that support your Ilio Tibial Band (ITB) - this is often the culprit of some runner's knee pain. JM says really stretch it out... Don't just try to kill the pain with drugs. And don't think twice about adding another day of complete rest if the pain isn't letting up - JM suggested laying off the lower body workout (lifting) as you're already getting so much exercise in this area already. OK - that's enough advice out of us!!! :) We love you and are running with you all the way!!! Go RACH Go!!!
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