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Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Other Half

Here is a picture of my training buddy and I! We share a brain, and have done so since we were roommates a few years ago! It is quite scary sometimes how much we think alike. Like when this picture was taken you can see we have on VERY similar outfits! Kristi drives me to work every day (THANKS KRISTI!) and when she picked me up yesterday, we laughed as we looked at our outfits! An added funny story is that the day before Brian and I had on matching outfits. Brown on shirts and khaki pants. It was really funny! He was sure to tell me, "I picked out my outfit first!" I think I was still in the shower when he got dressed and didn't see him until after I got dressed, so it wasn't planned. My old roommate Ria and I used to do the same thing, so we got laughed at when we got into work....people would ask "didn't you see each other before you left the house?!" I guess when you live with people, or share a brain with them you like the same outfits!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Beautiful girls!!!