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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

No power, no pictures

I love my husband, even when he forgets to put the power cord back in the computer bag! Therefore I have no power left on my computer and cannot download my pictures. I supposed I could try to download them on to this computer, but my camera cord is 14 floors up. Maybe later this week. Because I got some BEAUTIFUL pictures today of the Notre Dame Basilica! My new favorite church! I could have sat there for hours! I plan to go back there tomorrow for some prayer time.

All is going great on the trip! We have a wonderful group and it is a great joy to spend time with Fr. Mike and Fr. Larry.

As for my training...well that is a different story. I woke up Monday morning to my right foot THROBBING! The blister that I got on Saturday has become quite irritated, so I am taking it easy, icing it, putting ointment on it and wearing flip flops so that it can breathe a bit. There is a woman on our trip who is a physian's assistant and she is keeping an eye on it for me. So far it is not infected..PRAISE GOD!

As promised, I have not forgotten about writing about my new outlook on the training...although..not tonight...time for bed!

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