It is now February, although you wouldn't know it by the weather here in Indianapolis! It is like Spring here! I guess Mother Nature wanted to send some good graces upon the SuperBowl fans who are descending upon our city. Be that as it may...it is still February, which means by now, most people have abandoned their New Year's resolutions that they made just a few short weeks ago!
I am currently working with a business coach to grow my business, and it has done wonders for my motivation, not only in my business, but also my personal life. One of my homework assignments when we first started was to make a list of all the dreams of things I want to do or have or go in my life. Brian and I made this list together and it was really fun! Kinda like a huge bucket list, and a list of dreams all in one. I highly recommend such an activity! The next step was to narrow it down to the top 10 goals I wanted to accomplish this year. I think the mere practice of calling them goals, vs. resolutions creates a huge mind shift in making them happen.
Thanks to my new addiction, Pinterest, I saw a great idea that someone had created as a motivational poster of a bunch of words that they hung up. So, I decided to create my own based on my goals for the year. I then cleaned off my fridge and hung it up, so that it wouldn't get lost in the clutter. I LOVE IT! (Although I think I need to reprint it and laminate it, two boys makes for many kitchen messes. It has already smudged! And to prove that I am not perfect, I even misspelled a word...can you find it!? I should really hire a copy editor!)
I am thinking I might sell these on Etsy (my other new addiction). People send me their list and I create a poster for them! So motivating, right? Who wants to be my first customer?!
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