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Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Shopping

How are you doing with your Christmas shopping?  Are you done? Have you yet to begin, like me!  Do you have someone difficult to buy for? 

Years ago I got away from all the typical Christmas gifts.  I decided I wanted to get something for someone because it had value to them, because it meant more than just spending $20 at Target because I needed to get them a gift.

Maybe you know someone who just got engaged and you want to gift them with an engagement session.  Know someone having a baby in 2013? A great gift is to enroll them in my Heartbeat Club which gets them the First Year of pictures which includes a book at the end of all their favorite images from the year.  Has it been so long since you have had a family picture done that several of your family members are missing?  What a great gift for your parents--a FULL family portrait session!

Did I photograph the wedding of one of your loved ones this year?  Help them purchase their first Family Heirloom, their wedding album and gift them a gift certificate that they can use towards their album. 

Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday are behind us, but I will still get you a deal!  I will offer a 10% discount off any gift certificate you decide to purchase.  If you want to buy 2 gift certificates, I will give you 15% off!

Contact me right away and let's get your Christmas shopping done!


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