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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Documentation of Life Project #2: Baby Sweetness Weeks 33-38

I didn't realize how far I was behind in posting the belly pictures. I kept taking them, but never posted them. I will say I have been pretty busy with photoshoots lately and working really hard on getting all my editing done before the baby comes.  So, I can now safely say--editing DONE! At least editing of all my weddings and sessions.  Still working on wedding albums, but those are in my client's courts right now, so I am safe.  =)

I am getting really excited to meet Baby Sweetness.  I will be 39 weeks on Thursday--as both my boys were late and had to be evicted (aka induced), 39 weeks really means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but one can hope, right?  I keep praying that I will go into labor on my own, but I also assume that eviction...I mean induction is in my future!  =)

Enjoy the update of belly shots and be sure to scroll down for a sweet surprise at the end!

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