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Sunday, April 20, 2008

8 mile

No, this is not some reference to some movie by some white rapper who has seemed to fade away from the limelight...this is about the fact that I RAN 8 MILES!!!!

Honestly, I was not quite sure how the run was going to go, being that I had not done many of my short runs, including my 7 mile run last week.

We were in Indy this past weekend, so I was excited to get in some new scenery during my run. We stayed with Brian's sister, Shannon, who lives out in the country. I was perfectly content with the idea of running on the country roads in her area, but thank you to the smarts of my sister-in-law she checked with her husband before I left, and here commended that I DO NOT run on the road. He said I would likely get hit by a tractor, and because I am not ready to have "John Deere" tattooed on my backside, I took his "words" of wisdom. (I saw "words" because I think I heard my brother-in-law, Jeff, speak more words this weekend than I have in almost 2 years! He is a man of select words!)

So, my loving husband drove me to the Monan, which is a great trail that runs through Indianapolis. This is a great place for walking, riding, full of friendly people and great natural scenery...ok, I have already written a lot and have barley gotten to the good part yet!

Brian dropped me off and I was off...

I was a little worried about my ailments, but prayed and asked my guardian angel to put her hand on my blister, and the spot on my left foot that had been making my foot numb...I was amazed how good my feet felt for the majority of the run. I had a few pains in the Achilles tendon area of my left left.

I stopped at 4 miles to stretch, and kept on truckin' about 6.5 I was
a little low on energy--so i walked for about two minutes....

I got to the 7 mile marker and all I kept think was, I only have 1 mile left!!! I couldn't believe it! This was the longest I had EVER run in my life!!! I was running by some condos and above someone's door was a sign that read "got hope?" I said, "HECK YEAH I DO!!" I got rush of excitement and a spring in my step!

As I hit about 7.8 miles, my breathing was getting was weird...I was afraid I was going to have an asthma attack, but I took a few deep breathes, kept on trucking---I think it was the excitement of knowing the end was in sight!!!

I was running on the Monan trail in Indy---it is this great trail they
Have for runner, walkers, bikers, etc. ...Brian dropped me off and told him to come get me in an hour an half, when I didn't show, he started walking...when I saw him, I raised my arms in triumph (this was at about the 7.7 mark), I started
crying when I saw was a taste of race day!!! I was so excited
that I did it!!!! He gave me some water and that helped my
breathing.....and I pushed through to the end!! It was glorious!

I spent the rest of the day limping and caring for the new blisters that appeared under my old ones on my foot.

I was given some advice to take the week off to let this painful blister heal…so that is what I will do…until 9 miles…

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