I am so proud of my husband!! This is the first full, from start to finish, remodel that Brian has done!!! It looks great and I love it!!! And it is so great to have a bathroom downstairs again!
While I was gone he got the floor installed, all the trim, the sink and the throne...aka the toilet!
He did a great job!!!! See the before and after difference!
So impressed!!! Does this mean you have purged some items as well?
Thoughts for the empty nook: either A) a full-length mirror and some hooks for towels or B) a small vanity and a stool. Luv!
Rach - omgosh - your bathroom looks FABulous!! Tell your hubby way to go!! He can finish my basement anytime!! LOL
Anna (mosher)
The plan for the empty nook is shelving for storing stuff! And maybe someday a stackable washer and dryer!
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