After some advice from fellow runners, we decided to make sure we had fuel to keep going for our 9 mile run. Kristi made a Kroger run and got us some Power Gel, this was new for both of us...but we knew we were going to need it!
So, after work, we laced up our new shoes and put in our new "Power Step" inserts, recommended by a foot doctor. (We both found out that we have a neuroma on our foot. Which is scar tissue on the nerve that goes between two of the toes, hence the numbness I experience in my foot). We headed to the Panhandle Trail and were off...
3 miles in and 3 miles back to the car for our Power Gel, water and a quick stretch break...then back in for a mile and half and back to finish out the 9 miles....
(now I can't say the power gel was the best thing I have ever had, but the Vanilla flavor did taste like cake batter. We will have a different brand on race day, so we are going to try and find that brand to finish training with.)
It was good, but tough...we prayed the whole time and offered up the pain for our families, for our friends, for the teens, for the WYD pilgrims, for those who have asked for prayers...Jesus gave us the grace and even rained it down on us, literally, as we ran our last 3 miles the rain came down!
The Power Gel finally kicked in about a mile and a half after we took it. Which I was grateful for, I was getting tired fast!
We pushed through and finished in 2 hours flat!
I could barley walk the rest of the night, had my husband give me a massage, iced my muscles and almost had to crawl to bed! I whimpered every time I moved as I slept....
I woke up this morning, and am still in quite a bit of pain! Krisit and I still made it to the gym this afternoon to stretch and do upper body. I felt pretty limber after that, but then as I sat down at my desk again, every time I got up it was painful!
I'll keep on stretchin'!
A good shout out to my Mom who also did her 9 mile run yesterday, or so she thought! She called me after she was done, telling me how she didn't feel so good, was dizzy, lightheaded, etc. She had not measured out her distance, so she just ran for 3 hours....walking about 20 minutes of that time. She was feeling so bad, that she was contemplating giving up running the half marathon!
Well, she went back today to measure the distance and realized that she ran about 11-12 miles!!!! And she thought she wasn't going to be able to do the 13 miles of the half! WAY TO GO MOM!!! She has been doing all of the training by herself...I am so proud of you Mom!
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