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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Muscles, shmuscles!

I am working on keeping limber, even though my body has been sore all week from the 9 mile run.  So, I went for a short run today...just 3 miles.  My feet felt good the whole time, so that was good, but I have a strained muscle in my left quad that I can't seem to shake, stretch or do anything!  It even hurts to walk.  If I am sitting down for too long,  it is painful to be moving again.  So, when I am walking or running, I feel like I have lost some range of motion.  
Why are muscles so touchy!?  Arg!  Just 2 weeks until the race!  I can't believe the 12 weeks of training is almost done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hurt my left leg about three years ago and I am still limping and cannot sit on the right side of my butt or leg? At the time of my injury I heard a loud pop and I was dragging my leg.. Every test has been done almost and nothing is showing up!! Argggg... My doctor wants to send me to see someone that is experienced in sports medicine.. Hoping he or she can find out what the problem is.. All's I know that pain has been cruel and my groin is on fire and ice is my best friend.. I have lost strength in the upper part of my leg also it feels kinda like my butt bone is broken but it's not.. I just don't know why nothing is showing up... Help!! :(