My new shoes are here!!!!! My new shoes are here!!!!
I finally went to a running store to get some educated information about what to do with my shoe saga! They had me run on a treadmill and videotaped my stride. It was really cool to watch myself run. They noticed how my left foot was rolling out, therefore having to work double-time to be straight again. Hence all the pain in my Achilles Tendon!
So, we are ready to hit the road!
Rachael, Whats the name of the store?? I need to get to one!!
the store I went to to have them watch me run was called "The Running Company," the place that I actually ordered my shoes from is called
Awesome! Thanks so much!! ... Oh, and I am so impressed and obsessed with your training!! ... I sooo wish I had it in me to run 13 miles!! That's awesome!!
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