Not only were we blessed to share in the wedding day of our good friends Jeff and Donna, who after many years of being together, finally tied the knot, but they asked us to be their photographers. This was a gift for us to document their wedding day for them.
The wanted a picture of everyone that attended the wedding. Being that it was a semi-small gathering of people, we were able to pull it off in no time flat! Everyone cooperated and it went smoothly

One of my favorite details of the day is that Donna had the same prayer book that her mother carried on her wedding day. So of course this afforded me some great photo ops with her and Mom. This one is my favorite.

Props to the bride for finding a deal! She ordered her flowers from Sam's Club, and they were beautiful!

It was a beautiful day and we are soo excited for our friends and wish them many blessings in the years ahead!

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