Mardi de Montfort is our church's annual Black Tie Optional fundraiser and always promises to be an evening of fun and this year lived up to that! The theme this year was "Walk on the Wild Side" and it was really fun see all the fun animal print attire that showed up that evening!

They do a silent auction as well as a live auction. If you have never seen a live auction you are missing out on some fun times. The auctioneer that they use really gets into it with everyone, sometimes even getting down on one knee if necessary. This plea was for a Safari trip to Africa, which was the highest bid item of the evening, going for over $17,000!

We are honored to donate our services to this event for the second year in a row and experience a walk on the wild side! To view all the images from the event, see them here.

We will miss working with Mary and Jill who have stepped down from their posts as chairs of this committee for many faithful years. You ladies are a blessing!

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