Please send my husband!!!
I can't even begin to explain how much I love it in Australia! The views, the buildings, the weather...and THE PEOPLE!!!!!!
The phrase, "no worries" embodies the Aussies! We, Americans have a lot to learn from them!!
This is by far the best and most organized World Youth Day I have ever been too!! This is my 4th one! I haven't gotten lost yet..the second you have the slightest bit of a lost look on your face, someone is coming up to help guide you in the right direction.
They are so happy to have us here, so friendly, so helpful, so GREAT!!!
I would post pictures, but if I don't get some food in my system soon, I might just get eaten by a kangaroo! (I don't think that makes sense, so you can see why i need food!)
I hope to update you more soon..but until then, know that you are all in my prayers and thank you for your prayers!!!!!!
No worries, Mate!
Will you be eating a Gyros!? ;o)
Hey Baby Girl
Please place us in a prayer from "down under." And by all means, please be safe!
Love, Mom
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