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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I haven't forgotten..

about blogging, it has just been crazy around here lately. Work has been busy ever since I got back from World Youth Day. I have been so jealous of my co-workers who have been heading off to the beach. I want to head off to the beach! I have been actively promoting my pilgrimages in a way that I haven't before making hundreds of phone calls to personally invite people. I must admit the hard work has paid off. I went from having 16 people signed up for the Rome and Assisi pilgrimage to having over 40! I am really excited!

In other exciting news, I am really excited about running again. Not just to be running, but to be running next to my husband! Brian called me up a few weeks ago when I was at work, and asked me if we had money in the budget to buy him some new shoes. I was confused because we had just bought him new shoes for work. I then asked him what kind of shoes, and he kept beating around the bush...we finally got to the point and he told me he wanted running shoes...I said, are you going to run with me? (Kristi and I had talked about training for a 10K) Brian had decided that he wanted to train for it as well!

We went for our first run on Monday after work and ran for two miles. He did so good, that he finished before me! We are a bit sore, but we pushed ourselves and went for another 2 mile run today!

It brings me much joy to be running together!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

yayayayay!! Go Brian!