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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A day in the life: Watch out world

I was re-inspired today by my friend Lucy and her post about her personal project, you can read about it here.

I had said earlier this year that I was going to make sure to take more pictures of the moments of our life in the Meier Household.

My friend Lucy was doing the same thing, and she mentioned how when she read someones blog post about doing it she shut her computer  that moment and took a whole roll of film of her little girl....I read her post, and immediately went downstairs to capture the excitement that was happening down in my living room.  This is almost a daily occurrence lately, so all the more reason to capture the moment.

Jacob is becoming a master 3 year old (almost 4) at the Wii.  So watch out world! Here comes Jacob on the Wii!  He can beat me in most games.  He takes his winning and losing very seriously.  We are working on being a good loser and congratulating the winner!

Here are some actions shots where you might really be able to feel his emotions!

(PS I was going to take some pictures of Luke as well, as he was napping with his Lightening McQueen shoes securely on his feet, but I being that he is such a light sleeper, I still follow the rule, "Never wake a sleeping baby!")

He gets so excited to play!

He also gets excited to see himself on the screen
I even caught some action on the screen

He was working hard to win the sword fight!

He won this round!
But didn't win this one!
Focusing as he flies his plane around the island

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay Rachel! So proud of you for taking action! I cannot wait to see more of this project! He is so BIG!!